序號 |
外教姓名 |
課程編號 |
課程中文名 |
課程英文名 |
1 |
David Singh |
01006045 |
新能源與科學技術 |
Energy and Energy Technology |
2 |
Mulshankur Sobnack |
01006040 |
電磁學➿:經典與前沿 |
Electromagnetism: Classics and Frontiers |
3 |
Yu Zou |
01006046 |
增材製造:從3D打印到智能工業 |
Additive Manufacturing: From 3D Printing to the Factory Floor |
4 |
Qiang Zhu |
01006047 |
基於Julia的數值最優化 |
Numerical Optimization in Julia |
5 |
Zhaosheng Feng |
01006048 |
Lie對稱分析及應用 |
Lie Symmetry and Applications |
6 |
Janice Hua Xu |
17006004 |
當代美國電影藝術 |
Contemporary American Film Art |
7 |
Hai Jiang |
08006003 |
智能世界裏的計算機 |
Computers in the Intelligent World |
8 |
John Troyer |
28006019 |
智能時代中的生命和死亡 |
Human Mortality in the “Smart” Technology Age |
9 |
Hongfa Hu胡宏發 |
10006016 |
先進的輕質汽車材料 |
Advanced Lightweight Automotive Materials |
10 |
嵇罡 (JI Gang) |
10006015 |
神奇的材料微世界 |
The Magical World of Micromaterials |
11 |
Marta Degl’Innocenti |
04006015 |
行為金融學 |
Behavioral Finance |
12 |
06006006 |
科技與書籍:疫情時代的生存秘訣😧🤳? |
Technology and Books: Recipes for Surviving in a Pandemic Era? |
13 |
Hepu Deng |
25006003 |
數字創新與智慧城市 |
Digital Innovation and Smart Cities |
14 |
Effie Amanatidou |
24006008 |
創新:現代經濟發展的基礎還是潘多拉的魔盒? |
Innovation: The Basis of Development in Modern Economies or the Pandora's Box? |
15 |
Hiroaki Matsukawa |
24006009 |
工業4.0環境下供應鏈風險管理 |
Supply Chain Risk Management in the Environment of Industry 4.0 |
16 |
張衛勇 |
24006010 |
國際企業供應鏈管理 |
Operations Management in Global Supply Chain |
17 |
Wen Jun Zhang |
09366181 |
科學溝通 |
Technical Communication |
18 |
Fengfeng (Jeff) Xi |
09006040 |
機器人和機構學簡介 |
Introduction to Robotics and Mechanisms |
19 |
Zhou Xiaobo |
09006039 |
改變世界的工程機械創新及方法 |
Innovation in mechanical engineering changing our world |
20 |
Yu Sun |
09006043 |
醫療微納機器人技術 |
The Micro/Nano Robotics for Medical Applications |
21 |
Shugen Ma |
09006044 |
國際視野機器人綜述 |
Robotics Introduction from International Perspective |
22 |
Sergiy Valyukh |
09006045 |
電腦遊戲與物理學 |
Physics for Game Programmers |
23 |
Wojciech Giernacki |
09006037 |
無人機建模與控製技術 |
Modeling and Control Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
24 |
Huiyu Zhou |
09006038 |
計算機視覺和人工智能 |
Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence |
25 |
Siqi Bu |
09006046 |
能源市場與政策基礎 |
Energy Market and Policy Basics |
26 |
Hernandez-Vargas, Esteban Abelardo |
09006047 |
機器學習概論 |
Introduction of Machine Learning |
27 |
Jan Heiland |
09006048 |
線性系統與模型降階概論 |
Introduction to Model Reduction for Linear Time Invariant Systems |
28 |
Mohammad Monir Uddin |
09006049 |
線性代數與線性系統 |
Linear Algebra and Linear Control Systems |
29 |
M Emad Farrag |
09006050 |
未來分布式電網的挑戰及電動汽車準入支持 |
Future Distribution Network System Challenges and EVs Support |
30 |
Yidan Zhu |
02006093 |
全球視野下的教育 |
Education in Global Times |
31 |
張泠 |
02006094 |
電影聲音與聽覺文化 |
Film Sound and Acoustic Culture |
32 |
Zhange Ni |
02006095 |
奇幻文學:理論與歷史 |
Fantasy Literature: Theory and History |
33 |
Stephanie Beth ANDERSON |
02006096 |
模擬聯合國 |
Model United Nations |
34 |
Darrell Jackson等 |
02006097 |
文化偷竊:當博物館學遇到刑法 |
Stealing Culture: The Intersection of Criminal Law and Museum Studies |
35 |
Thomas R SEITZ |
02006098 |
美國在亞洲的外交政策介紹 |
Introduction to American Foreign Policy in Asia |
36 |
Braester, Yomi |
02006099 |
新媒體與建築空間 |
New Media and Architectural Space |
37 |
Orla Murphy等 |
02006083 |
數字人文導論 |
Introduction to the Digital Humanities |
38 |
Armida de la Garza |
02006100 |
數字人文方法對電影研究的影響 |
The Impact of Digital Humanities Methods on Film Studies |
39 |
Massimo Leone |
02006081 |
符號學 |
Introduction to General Semiotics |
40 |
Manfredo Manfredini曼弗裏多•曼弗裏蒂尼 |
13006155 |
建築與烏托邦:當代城市新公共空間中的數字場景與豐富事件 |
Architecture and Utopia: Digital Spaces and Eventfulness in the New Public Spaces of the Contemporary City |
41 |
Tenhunen Marja-Liisa Kristiina |
15006006 |
當代商業實踐問題 |
Contemporary Business Practice Issues |
42 |
Salvatore Attardo |
03006507 |
互聯網時代的幽默 |
Humor in the Age of the Internet |
43 |
Thomas John Wright |
03006508 |
以史為鑒:經典演講中的現代英國與美國 |
Using Classic Speeches to Understand Modern Britain and America |